Leverage your expertise online

turn your content, courses, or group coaching into a money-making machine

grow your audience

make more impact

monetise your expertise

You’re an expert in your field, and it’s time to scale your business.

Turning your knowledge or skills into an online program and/or monetised content allows you to leverage your expertise: do it once, and reach a virtually unlimited number of people.

Make more impact without working more hours… and make a lot more money in the process.

But there are so many options, and not all ar right for YOU (your brand, or your audience). Don’t waste months of your life trying to build something, just to end up reaching crickets!

This is how we help you launch:

  • Strategy

    We discuss your needs, preferences, and opportunities so we can draft a strategic roadmap for your online program.

  • Planning

    Times and dates, content to create, tools to use, and more - we’ll lay it all out so you know exactly what to do when.

  • Implementation

    If you don’t want to do it alone, I can guide you through the process - or my team can build the foundations for you.

I’m Sandrine, and this is not my first rodeo.

When I first started working with course creators back in 2016, I never thought this would become my thing. There are so many courses, coaches, and free YouTube videos teaching people how to launch, why would they need a strategist?

Turns out most there’s just too much information out there. Too many options, too many things - and let’s face it, not every method works for everyone (even if they want you to believe that).

Plus, sometimes you don’t want another course or tutorial - you just want to get a plan that works for YOU, set things up, and launch.

If you’re getting lost in the options or buried in the workload - let’s have a conversation. Or if you’ve tried (and failed) to sell an online programme before and not sure where you went wrong, let’s chat.

Not sure where to start?

Start with a Strategy Session.

Together, we look at what you already have. We discuss out your ideas, you get insights about your options - and we end up with a clear plan for moving forward.